showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night Sierra Entertainment (Krome Studios)2007 actionadventure adv-objects adv-ptdistr aicheat ancientenemy animalpeople anticipatorystockpiles aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 autosavepoints bossbattles breathweapons bullettime caninoids chargedattack childprotagonist cloakednpcs deadlywater difficulty-single dissolvingcorpses dragonprotagonist dreamworld elements falldamage flyingislands forest giantfungi giantmonsters gliding insectoids legendofspyro lostpowers magic midairjumping monsters movingplatforms mushroomforest mythicalprotagonist noenergyregen npcteleporting pain pirates primates rage rating-esrb-e10 recurringopponent retrypoints sequence-turret skyships spyro teleport temple titularcharacter treants tutorial unarmedfighting unusualprotagonist walking widescreen [b]ai cheat[/b] - makes using the lock-on and dodge functionality pointless as the mobs insta turn with your dodge and their attack along with them (or at least the Executioner does so).
[b]sequence-turret[/b] - no turret is controlled, but spyro's controls are locked in a manner that's near identical to turret missions in other games.***Product code: [code]SLES-54815[/code]
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning Vivendi Universal Games (Krome Studios)2006 actionadventure adv-ptdistr aimassist ancientenemy animalpeople aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 autosavepoints bossbattles breathweapons charging counselor crystals difficulty-single dissolvingcorpses dolbyprologic2 dragonprotagonist dragons dragons-western elevatorbattle falldamage flyingislands forest giantfungi gliding heroprotagonist insectoids ledges legendofspyro magic midairjumping mine monsters mushroomforest mythicalprotagonist naturalweapons noenergyregen nohumans primates rage rating-esrb-e10 reboot rescue retrypoints rewardingvandalism slavery spyro subterranean temple titularcharacter treants tutorial unarmedfighting uniqueprotagonist walking widescreen wintery [b]Unleash the true dragon within you![/b]

When Spyro, a young dragon, leaves his home in search of the truth about his past, he finds a shocking discovery - the fate of the world rests on his wings.
In a race against time, Spyro must realize his destiny and unlocks the explosive powers that lie within if he is to put an end to the mysterious black dragon, Cynder!

Join Spyro on this epic quest of intense action, featuring voice talents of Elijah Wood, David Spade and Gary Oldman.

[image captions]
* Devastating Fury Attacks
* Air and Ground Melee Combat
* Powerful Upgradeable Breaths
[Box blurb]
Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward VU Games (High Voltage Software)2003 axes bodyarmor cemetery chainsaw chapterreplay city contemporaryfantasy demons difficulty dismemberment dodging dualwielding energystations fantasticearth femaleprotagonist firearms flamethrowers ghosts ghosttown grenadelaunchers handguns healingstations healthdrops jumping leveluprestoration lifepowered lives machineguns magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist monsterhunters mp-cooperative playerprogression premadecharacters prison rescuees rewardingvandalism rockets rooftops rotaryguns secrets serious shotguns sickles sorcery stonecreatures subway suicideattackers swords temple tower undead undeadanimals unlockable-characters unlockable-costumes unlockable-difficulty unusualprotagonist werewolves witches worldofdarkness xp-kills youngadultprotagonist zombies In this 3rd person action-shooter set in the fantasy world of White Wolf role-playing, players act as human monster-hunters protecting and defending lives of the innocent. Players can expect the same non-stop action, outstanding graphics and authentic White Wolf storyline that make the Hunter: The Reckoning franchise so successful and addictive. With psychotic and highly dangerous new characters joining the original Hunter team, new environments and weapons, players are armed to battle creatures of the dead in order to fulfill their mission to fight evil. Let the hunt begin.***